SB 9 (Atkins) Subdivisions: Tentative Maps is a bill which will make it easier for owners of property to have freedom to split their lots and to build two units per lot. The bill also has a number of constraints on how development must proceed to ensure that such development is not disruptive to an area.
C.A.R. has concerns about the possibility that in the absence of safeguards, properties could be purchased by developers in the more affordable and diverse areas of the state and properties constructed that are not beneficial to the members of that community. C.A.R. is therefore requesting amendments to help address that concern. If these amendments are accepted, C.A.R will move to a support position.
SB-9 Law: CAR Q&A
Holland and Knight Law Firm on SB-9
BB&K Law Firm on SB-9
SB 10:
SB 10 (Wiener) Planning and Zoning empowers local governments to enact ordinances that allow for greater construction of housing. It would allow a locally enacted ordinance, for example, to permit owners to exempt projects of 10 units or less, from any additional CEQA review if the parcel is in a transit-rich area, jobs-rich area, or an urban infill site. SB 10 also requires developers to follow all local objective design criteria, local impact fees, local height and setback limits, and local demolition standards and prohibits the streamlining of projects in state or national historic district. However, SB 10 was amended to include HOAs without really looking at how that could affect existing HOA communities. As amended the bill would create a host of title and other concerns regarding how it would affect HOAs, governing documents of HOAs and possibly even the ability to finance units in HOAs. C.A.R. moved to oppose SB 10 until it is amended to address those issues.
CA Law
Scott Weiner Website:
Link: Proposition 19:
Highlights of Proposition 19:
CA State Board of Equalization:
The California Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Program provides a reliable way to estimate and compare the energy efficiency of California homes and identify cost effective energy saving improvements. Whether you are buying or selling a home, or staying in your current residence, getting a home energy rating or audit will help you determine which upgrades will be most cost effective, yield the highest energy savings, increase the comfort of your home, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As buyers become more aware of the benefits of an energy-efficient home, those with a favorable home energy rating may be more appealing to buyers.
The information contained in this booklet is an overview of some environmental hazards which may be found on or in residential property and which may affect residential real estate.
Since this booklet is not meant to be all inclusive, it should be used only for general guidance. Although law requires the disclosure of known hazards, an environmental survey may be conducted to obtain further information. Homeowners, tenants, and prospective homeowners may wish to obtain other literature for additional information on hazards of concern.
A complimentary combination of informational pamphlets for use in residential real estate disclosures including:
Approximate Square Footage
Lot Size
3 BR / 1 BA
Asking Price